A man I never knew from California has had an unbelievable impact on my life. He has changed the way I communicate with my family. He has influenced the way I raised my child. He has steered my life towards a career path. But he hasn’t done these things for just me. He has performed these amazing feats for millions of perfect strangers. Maybe even you.
So who is this mysterious hero?
Steve Jobs was a man who touched the lives of every person in this country indirectly, but powerfully.
Most people know who Steve Jobs was. Those that don’t know his name know his work. He was a visionary man who made a profound impact on life in this country.For those of you who may not know, Steve Jobs was the founder and CEO of Apple. He is responsible for bringing us the Mac, the ipad, the iphone, the ipod, itunes, and was a major investor in the success of Pixar Animations Studios.
He was an innovator.
Jobs kept his mind open, his ideas flowing and his private life private. In honor of his memory, this article will do the same. His story is touching and rare, and will be shared with the world over and over again in time. But for now all that can be said is thank you.
Every time I sing a song from Finding Nemo to my daughter, I will think of Steve Jobs because in small part, he is the reason I can share that moment with her.
I had no idea that he had anything to do w/Finding Nemo! That movie really is a classic, and I still love watching that over and over with my niece and nephews...thank you for this interesting bit of trivia.